
has posted on the.intake an explanation about the NYX #4 cover:
"Well, this cover was quite the drama. I told Marvel what I was going to do and even did a sketch for approval (I've been known to skip that step. My editors love that.) Turns out it was a little too much (or too little) for the cutting edge, envelope pushing comic world, so I was asked to dress her up a bit. The teddy was round two (There were actually several versions of the teddy as well. Below is the only one I saved), but I argued that the lingerie only made it worse (I was still pissed I had to cover up all the skin I had spent so much time lovingly rendering). The thinktank at Marvel decided the only way to remedy the dilemma was with a schoolgirl uniform. See? Problem solved, no controversy. Ahem...
" J.

Original cover

2nd cover

Final cover

J has posted his Runaways cover for issue #11 (featuring Cloak & Dagger) on the.intake and here.
NYX #3 in stores today! Go buy it!
guestbook works now!! Go on and post!

J has posted the full cover of NYX#5 on the.intake and here.

From Marvel's solicitations we can see the cropped version of the NYX#5 cover.
Middleton will de doing the covers for Runaways #11 and 12, I'm waiting for the pics!!!! :-)
All these in february!

NYX #2
is in stores !!!